IGB-IBBR-IEOS Joint Seminar

Feb 4, 2019 admin Seminari

IGB-IBBR-IEOS Joint Seminar – Prof. Veronika Kralj-Iglic: “Clinical experience with microvesicles”

Martedì 5 febbraio 2109 ore 12, CNR Area Na1 Aula Conferenze

Via Pietro Castellino 111


Il seminario congiunto IBBR, IGB ed IEOS è organizzato nell’ambito delle attività di Dissemination del progetto Ves4US, finanziato dalla Commissione Europea nell’ultimo bando FET-Open Research and Innovation Action del programma H2020.

Il progetto Ves4us mira a sviluppare una piattaforma radicalmente nuova per la produzione di nanovescicole extracellulari a partire da una fonte biologica sostenibile. https://ves4us.eu.


Extracellular vesicles are membrane-enclosed fragments of cell interior that are more or less free to move within the extracellular compartments. There is an increasing evidence that they have biological functions, in particular as mediators of the intercellular interaction. Extracellular vesicles can be isolated from body fluids and are therefore useful as indicators of the state of organisms. In the seminar we will present the mechanisms leading to formation of the extracellular mechanisms. Also, we will present the experience with use of extracellular vesicles in isolates from blood as indicators of health and disease. These experiences were gathered in last 10 years at the Laboratory of Clinical Biophysics, University of Ljubljana


Prof. Veronika Kralj-Iglic

Full professor of Biophysics, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Ljubljana, Head of the Laboratory of Clinical Biophysics, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Ljubljana



Notizie correlate

Graduatoria 17/2018
Proroga Avviso n° 16/2018
Call Interna Prot. n. 927