Feb 26, 2019 admin Seminari

IBBR-IEOS-IGB JOINT SEMINAR "MEMBRANE TUBULAR PROTRUSIONS AND TUNNELING NANOTUBES" Martedì 26 febbraio 2019, ore 12.00, CNR AdR Na1 Aula Conferenze via Pietro Castellino 111, Napoli Proseguono le attività di dissemination del progetto Ves4US, con il secondo seminario congiunto IBBR-IGB-IEOS del Prof.  Ales Iglic, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia Head of the Laboratory of Biophysics, ospite presso i laboratori della dott.ssa Gabriella Pocsfalvi dell’IBBR. Per info sul progetto consultare: https://ves4us.eu/ Abstract We present a physical mechanism that may explain experimentally observed  tubular and spherical budding of  biological  membrane. The proposed mechanism is based on the energetically favourable self-assembly of membrane nanodomains into larger membrane domains forming  spherical, tubular or undulated tubular  membrane protrusions.  The suggested mechanism of  growth and  stabilization of  membrane protrusions by coupling of the local membrane shape and the lateral density of the membrane constituents (nanodomains) is also one of the mechanisms relevant for the formation and stabilization of  tunneling nanotubes that connect cells, and could be important in intracellular and intercellular transport and communication. Locandina

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