Oct 21 admin Notizie

senza-titolo   Clarifying the understanding of cellular aging processes, define appropriate lifestyles and identify effective substances for treatment is the goal of the SENESCENCE2030 project, led by the Institute of Experimental Endocrinology and Oncology of CNR in Naples and funded for the next four years by the EU COST program. The project involves 21 European countries, represented by research institutes and universities. The COST Action, titled Targeting Cell Senescence to Prevent Age-Related Diseases (SENESCENCE2030), has established a scientific network coordinated by Dr. Aniello Cerrato researcher at the CNR. SENESCENCE2030 is open to the participation of experts, researchers, and clinicians with expertise in cellular senescence, molecular mechanisms related to senescence, experimental aging models, and studies on opportunities for early aging diagnosis and treatment. The team will receive for this year €130,000 in funding, which will support mobility scholarships for young researchers, strengthening the network and fostering new scientific discoveries in this crucial field. Proposals to participate in the network can be forwarded through the e-cost platform   Stay tuned for further updates and opportunities to get involved!  

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