Contributi in rivista
Anno 1997
Visconti R, Cerutti J, Battista S, Fedele M, Trapasso F, Zeki K, Miano MP, de Nigris F, Casalino L, Curcio F, Santoro M, Fusco A.
Expression of the neoplastic phenotype by human thyroid carcinoma cell lines requires NFkappaB p65 protein expression..
Mascia, M. De Felice, C. Lipardi, R. Gentile, G. Calì, M. Zannini, R. Di Lauro, L. Nitsch
Transfection of TTF-1 gene induces thyroglobulin gene expression in undifferentiated FRT cells
Caraglia M, Leardi AI, Improta S, Perin V, Ricciardi B, Arra C, Ferraro P, Fabbrocini A, Pinto A, Bianco AR, Tagliaferri P.
Transient exposure to cytarabine increases peptide growth factor receptor expression and tumorigenicity of melanoma cells.