

Incontri dell’APEF

Incontri dell’APEF Napoli, 1° marzo 2024 - ore 15 e 30 Accademia Pontaniana Via Mezzocannone n. 8 Il Professore Ezio ANDRETA già Capo Divisione e Direttore della ricerca della Commissione Europea  e Presidente dell’Agenzia per la promozione della Ricerca Europea parlerà del:     FUTURO DELL’EUROPA O L’EUROPA DEL FUTURO Non è un gioco di parole ma una domanda fondamentale che ogni cittadino e la Politica si dovrebbero porre per acquisire le conoscenze e la consapevolezza necessaria ad accelerare il processo d’integrazione dell’Europa, per garantire al Continente una pace duratura. Continuare il processo [...]
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5th International Symposium on Trained Immunity

The International Trained Immunity consortium (INTRIM) is pleased to announce the 5th International Symposium on Trained Immunity to be held in the city of Naples, Italy, hosted by the Università Federico II Congress Centre on May 29-31, 2023. This symposium will bring together a group of internationally recognized microbiologists, molecular biologists and immunologists to present and discuss their recent results along with the most relevant topics of innate immune memory. The main objective of this symposium is to promote the advancement of the study of  innate immune memory, as well as to disseminate [...]
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Targeted delivery to cancer cells

Targeted delivery to cancer cells: an emerging aspect of oligo-therapeutic   An Oligonucleotide Therapeutic Society  Local Delivery Network event   Chairs: de Franciscis (IEOS- CNR Naples) Condorelli (DMMBM University of Naples)   Location: Biotechnology Complex Aula Magna University of Naples Federico II Via Tommaso De Amicis 95, Naples, Italy Date May 10th 2019     Networking Event with short talks by young postDocs from Academia and Company Laboratories AIM: Bring together people from Academia and private sectors to boost an interdisciplinary platform working in Europe on "Targeted delivery to [...]
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November News

ART FROM INSIDE Diagnostic imaging applied to  cultural heritage Next November 20th, 2018  during XVII Settimana della Cultura d’Impresa di Confindustria, Fondazione Bracco promotes at Città della Scienza, a meeting  a conference with experts to illustrate how diagnostic imaging is increasingly used in the restoration and study of cultural heritage. After the meeting there will be a guided visit to the exhibition  The Beauty of Imaging  that traces the history of diagnostic imaging through its fundamental stages, enriched by a series of curious notes. The visitor can immerse himself in the four diagnostic [...]
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May Conferences

Updates in Glioblastoma New applications for Glioblastoma treatment May 25 2018, Federico II University of Naples, Italy Biotechnology complex in Via Tommaso de Amicis, 95 Aula Magna 9:00 am - 4:00 pm Organisers: prof. Gerolama Condorelli, dott. Vittorio de Franciscis The Conference is addressed to students and researchers in the field. All participants are welcome. Entry is free, but registration is mandatory by email to Glioblastoma Meeting
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