Targeted delivery to cancer cells: an emerging aspect of oligo-therapeutic
An Oligonucleotide Therapeutic Society Local Delivery Network event
- de Franciscis (IEOS- CNR Naples)
- Condorelli (DMMBM University of Naples)
Location: Biotechnology Complex Aula Magna
University of Naples Federico II
Via Tommaso De Amicis 95, Naples, Italy
Date May 10th 2019
Networking Event with short talks by young postDocs from Academia and Company Laboratories
AIM: Bring together people from Academia and private sectors to boost an interdisciplinary platform working in Europe on “Targeted delivery to cancer cells” as an emerging aspect of oligo-therapeutics.
We expect that the meeting will provide a stimulating forum for oral presentations, close interactions among participants as well as an opportunity to explore international collaborations.
AGENDA: The one day Agenda includes three sessions with 3-4 short talks/session. Two Sessions in the morning and one in the afternoon. Talks will be held by young motivated postDoc from participating leading laboratories and small companies in Europe. Three key note talks will introduce each session. Participation of US scientists is welcome.